Uhh , So I like to have A good time. I’m quirky. I’m loud. I’m not a basic bitch. I’m Ash. I’m A Photographer.
I Am obsessed with photography. it is a part of who I am, just as much as my right arm or my leg Is.
Photography came to me at a time when I needed it most – it was like walking right into what I was created to do, only I had no idea that’s what I was heading into. It fit me, my personality, my strengths. It had me constantly thinking, changing, growing and it makes me feel alive to know that tomorrow will never be the same as today. I firmly believe each person was created to use their specific abilities and passions to bless others, no matter the industry, I am certain this is mine. I went after it full steam, no questions asked, not a shred of a doubt. it’s who i am, feeds me, inspires me. like a good marriage, photographer has only made me a better, stronger, more gracious person. i will never not be a photographer, not on any day of my life, not in any moment, not ever.
I’ll come out and say it: I’m not for everyone, nor do I want to be. I will always stay true to my style and the creativity that I’m drawn to in photography. I want to capture who you really are and in natural lighting – you know, the kind God created. I’m drawn to people with an edge, people want something interesting and beautiful. i’m about quality, not quantity. I’ve been shooting for about 4 years and have gotten to the point where i know what work inspires me and can re-ignite my scream oh-shit-this-is-amazing type of imagery. i want to make something you want to look twice at. i want to feel a rush. a connection. im selfish that way. and i know it is what bleeds my passion for what i deliver. its a two way street, and its a real good one to drive on.
I bring joy and true passion for creativity to what I do, an addiction to perfection and pull to create things I have yet to do. I want to get to know you. You’re not a number or just a photo package. I’m not about filling up my calendar with “shoots” but days i get to create art and have a really fucking good time doing it. I am about the experience. this is about stories, it’s not just about pictures. i don’t mess around, i go for the jugular. i stop, i look and watch…i dont just raise up my camera to take. i watch and wait. i want to create a killer frame. i want to make art, I want to make something to make you stop and stare, and i do.
lets shoot some good shit.